Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Kindergarten Windsocks

This was a great lesson for Kindergarten! Transforming textured papers into windsocks is a perfect lesson for spring......On day one, students covered a piece of 12x18 paper with texture rubbings. Then we added a collection of different lines using black crayons right on top of the textures. Watercolors were used at will to make the textures pop.
On day two, I rolled the papers and stapled them at the top and bottom before students came to class. We discussed the difference between 2 and 3 dimensions and I asked them what form their papers had been rolled into. Working in rainbow order, students added the tails to the inside of the cylinders. We worked on folding one tail at a time before using a dot of glue to make it stick. When students finished all six tails, they brought their windsock over to the table where I punched holes and added a piece of yarn for them. 
Good looking!!
Thanks to Art is Basic for the stellar idea! 

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