Tuesday, November 8, 2011

4th Grade Cityscape Reflections

I am really diggin' this project my 4th graders are in the midst of completing. We packed in a lot of learning through this printmaking assignment!
Day one consisted of students painting their paper, half blue and half in "sunset" colors. Students then began planning out a city. Day two was action packed as the kids transferred their sketch onto art foam and then cut the negative space off the top of the Styrofoam. The last step was printing the city twice---once on the horizon line and then below it to create a watery reflection!
*This project was inspired by something similar I found on Artsonia!


  1. These are wonderful! Great idea to combine printmaking along with reflections!!

  2. These are fantastic I love them. Reminds me of some cityscapes I did:

    but in future I'll try your lesson! Thanks.


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