Before class, I used Elmer's glue to attach a small chunk of model magic to a piece of 5x5" square of railroad board. Due to time constraints, I pre-cut a bunch of shapes from craft foam (students can totally handle this step, but we were short on time) and put a pile of pipe cleaners (fuzzy wires) in the middle of each table. I showed the kids how to gently press the foam shapes onto the fuzzy wires. I made sure to explain that this step takes some practice and is a challenge - a gentle press works just fine and the wire will push through the foam when it's ready - I haven't found the right terminology for it yet, but all the kids eventually got the technique. It's wonderful for practicing those fine motor skills, patience and persistence! I left things pretty open-ended as far as how many foam pieces to add, etc. and the kids just ran with the concept and had fun building their sculptures!!
They have been fantastic!Thank you very much Laura. A hug from Barcelona.