Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Dot

My school has an early release day each month where teachers participate in various professional learning opportunities. The Specialist schedule still stays the same except we only see each class for 30 minutes. This can be a little overwhelming. For the first early release day, I decided to have my students watch the illustrated version of Peter Reynold's The Dot which I found on YouTube. Then I passed out 9x9 paper, watercolors and crayons. The directions were simple: make a mark and see where it takes you! I love all the variety from each individual. Many students asked me for help in drawing circles, so I really had to amplify one of our class motto's: There are no mistakes in art!!
I placed all the artwork on 12x12 golden yellow paper that I cut out to resemble the swirly gold frame from the book. It all turned out so well (in  my opinion) that I had to devote one of my bulletin boards to the creations!

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