Sunday, February 14, 2016

February......inside the Big Green Room

Kindergarten - Nevelson Assemblages - I can create a sculpture using found materials. I can talk about Louise Nevelson’s sculptures and think about their meaning. I can create unity in my work by painting my sculpture one color in the style of Nevelson.

*I am adapting this lesson from my wonderful colleague Mrs. Knight's Smartest Artists.*
1st grade - Street Scenes (featuring printmaking) - I can create a piece of art that incorporates stamping techniques. I can fill the space of my composition and use a variety of media to make it. I can draw several different types of automobiles to incorporate into my mixed-media artwork.

2nd grade - Relief Sculpture - I can apply color concepts to make lots of new colors on my relief sculpture. I can learn the differences between 2-d and 3-d artwork. I can talk about the positive and negative space found in my sculpture. I can show different line directions in my work. I can talk about how improvisation became important while I stacked and balanced the pieces of my sculpture. I can use my imagination to develop a story or meaning for my individual sculpture.

3rd grade - Clay Cupcakes - I can create a ceramic cupcake using hand-building methods, clay processing techniques, and surface design. I can use my personal experiences to influence how my cupcake will look.

4th grade - Surreal Rooms - I can demonstrate through drawing what perspective is. I can explain how artists using perspective to create depth in their work. I can draw details that make my room personal.
I can learn about surrealism and decide if I want to make that a part of my artwork based on a personal choice. 

5th grade - Two-Point Perspective - I can explain that two-point perspective achieves depth on a flat surface. I can learn the technical process for creating depth using my drawing skills.

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