The nouns of art are so important and I really make an effort to focus on each one of them with all of my grade levels. This past fall, 1st graders spent time discussing the nouns of art. Having already touched on landscapes during October, we picked up with family portraits and potted plant still-lifes to round out our learning. The kids drew a portrait of their family on a sheet of fancied up copy paper (I drew a frame around the edge). I emphasized how shapes and lines are great for building people. We started with placing circles in the empty space for each family member. Then I showed how to build the neck, shoulders and upper bodies using lines. The kids soaked it all up and impressed me with their ingenuity!

On another day, the kids made still-lifes that were inspired by illustrations of potted plants (that came from a grocery store coloring book). We discussed once again using lines and shapes to build the pots first and then the plants. I encouraged my students to draw big and fill the space, plus include a background. 1st graders are so cool - they melt my heart with their work!
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